Find Top Talent To Help Grow Your Business

Discover hundreds of potential employees near you or anywhere else in Africa. Hire the best candidate for the job and your company culture. Put “A Players” in the correct positions to build a winning team, generate more business, and promote a great work atmosphere.

Hiring the wrong people is the fastest way to undermine a sustainable businesss.

—Kevin J. Donaldson

Overwhelmed By The Pile Of Job Applications?

  • Inadequate Job Posting
    You’re using a hiring process from the previous century of spray-and-wait. So, your competitors have a head start in hiring top talent. If you still rely on outdated methods to attract the best job candidates, you’ll end up with the bottom of the barrel or unable to fill your job vacancies.
  • Not Enough Talent Pool
    You publish a job offer, then sit and wait for applications to rain down on your desk. And then, you can start sifting through that pile to uncover promising candidates to move to the next stage of your hiring process. That approach is tedious, time-consuming, and ineffective.
  • Inefficient Job Application Screening
    Manually sifting through a pile of applications is taxing to your attention and willpower. That leads you to eliminate even the best candidates only to settle for applicants who are just good enough for the role.

What if instead of waiting for job applications to pile in, you take a proactive approach that taps into a list of candidates who already meet the requirements?

And what if you leverage an automated screening system to weed out unqualified candidates and devote your precious human resources to the best applicants?

Streamline Your Hiring & Onboarding Process

An effective hiring process optimizes the valuable resources of your HR department. It allows you to attract more job applications, retain the best candidates, and help you hire people who better fit the open position and your company culture.

You need the correct information and a system to help your company pick top applicants for the current job vacancies by using a streamlined process to broadcast your job offers, filter applications, and only interview suitable candidates.

Building a winning team is crucial to any business, big or small, to remain competitive, thrive, improve overall team morale, and promote the company’s image. That’s why your business must regularly seek new talents that bring fresh perspectives and are more attuned to the current state-of-the-art technology and business.

Get the tools to recruit high achievers to propel your business to new heights.

You Can Have A Top Talent Team

You’re already too busy juggling daily business activities to serve happy clients, manage current employees, and keep an eye on the company’s bottom line. However, to run a successful business, you must offer great products or services and also lead a great team to remain competitive and thrive.

Unfortunately, many businesses like yours face the challenge of hiring the best people to the right positions and ensuring those newcomers fit into your company culture in order to reduce turnover.

We understand your need to find “A Players” to join your team. But despite your best effort, you either end up with average employees at best. That makes the hiring process a tremendous investment in time and money and a steeper cost to train and manage those low-grade hires.

That’s why at BaraGnini, we’re giving you the tools to expand your talent pool to tap into whenever you have new positions to fill. You’ll now have an extensive database of outstanding potential employees with skills and profiles to fit your company culture.

Time spent on hiring is time well spent.

—Robert Half

Hiring Top Talent Just Got Easier


Get started by signing up for a free “Karibu” account for your company with just an email address to confirm your subscription and receive valuable notifications.

If your company owns a website then a business email address is more suitable. Otherwise, you can use a free email from Gmail, Hotmail or Yahoo.

Complete Your Company Profile

Once you’re signed up, you can quickly fill out pertinent information about your business to share worldwide.

Our system will use that information to create a custom page for your business where you can send potential customers to learn more about your products or services.

It’s your company’s storefront we feature on our website to help expand your business reach.

Manage Your Hiring Process

Leverage the information and tools we provide to help you optimize the hiring process, build a talent pool, and attract top candidates for the open positions.

Use the tools of the 21st century to sort out applications and retain the best candidates quickly.